Monday, September 21, 2009

My Current Story

This is just a bit of a story that I am writing on my computer. It is called "When the Moon Rises"

I was lying in the fork of one of the great trees, the firelight from below illuminating my face.
Flame crept up behind me, gently touching my shoulder.
I looked up at him, and took my bandana off of my mouth.
"What up?" I asked him casually.
My best friend shrugged, his broad shoulders moving up and down with his breathing. Suddenly, he crouched beside me. He leaned forward, tilted my chin up towards him, and kissed me.

My brain basically shorted out. All I felt was his mouth against mine. My eyes fell closed.
Flame finally broke away, and I had that beyond-stupid look on my face. I swallowed, then yanked my mask back into place and practically dived out of the tree.
Luckily, I caught hold on a branch. Though it sent pain searing through my arms and hands, I didn't go splat!!! on the ground. I let go of the limb, dropping about 18 feet to the ground.

I made a dash to the pond, the light from the bonfires around gleaming off it's smooth surface. I sat between two tall rocks out of view, and just cried.
I hate emotions. I hate crying. I hate being afraid. I hate being sad or depressed. I'm not too fond of being happy, either. There's a little bit of info about me for ya.

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