Monday, September 21, 2009

Medicine Cat

Rainstar came out of her den and leaped onto the branch, digging in her claws for balance.
"Let all cats old enough to catch their own prey gather beneath Great Tree for a Clan meeting!!"

The cats emerged from their dens, sitting in the shade of the giant oak.

"I am glad to announce that we finally have a Medicine Cat, Petalbreeze." she purred loudly.

"Petalbreeze!! Petalbreeze!!" chorused the assembled cats.

Rainstar paused, feeling her kits move in her belly. She winced.

"That is all for now!!"

She jumped down, landing on her paws and disappearing into her den.


  1. "Congratulations, Petalbreeze!!!" Snowcloud purred from beside Lightningstirke.
    "Petalbreeze!! Petalbreeze!! Petalbreeze!!"
